Wednesday, January 21, 2009

San Pedro Park

Originally uploaded by groserita
We went to San Pedro Park this past Sunday and we sat down to watch the Native American dancers. Listening to the drums was magical because I started feeling the rhythm all around me. It wasn't coming from one area anymore but from everything around me.
My son also felt the rhythm because he was bouncing to the beat.


Unknown said...

Nice picture! I may just have to go visit that park some time. Excellent work on the blog as well, its coming along very nicely!

groserita said...

Thanks! You do have to visit San Pedro Park and you might as well stop by the library too..

L. Advie said...

Sorry I missed them. I seen them at the Botanical Garden a few years back. Truly it is an inspiring experience. San Pedro park gets better and better and you are right the library (SA's oldest branch) is worth the visit too. Thanks for sharing the picture and experience with us.

TeenBibliotecaria said...

I'm following you on 23 Things and you have the most awesome username. And you're a Tori fan! I see nothing wrong here.

Dan said...

This looks like fun. I wish I had been there to see this. How colorful!

groserita said...

Thanks!* I feel so happy with all of these lovely comments!